
How to (seriously) read a scientific paper

Do you have any other tips you’d like to share?

If there is a seminal (有创造力的,对未来有影响的) paper I want to thoroughly understand, I find some way to give a journal club-style presentation about it. Speaking about a particular paper and answering questions is the best way for me to learn the material.

Also, get a good reference manager. Mendeley helps me do my research, read literature, and write papers.
- Colucci

At the beginning, new academic readers find it slow because they have no frame of reference for what they are reading. But there are ways to use reading as a system of creating a mental library, and after a few years, it becomes easy to slot papers onto your mental shelves. Then you can quickly skim a paper to know its contribution.
- Wilkes

Be patient. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to use Wikipedia or other, more lay-audience (外行的人) sources like blog posts to get a feel for your topic. Ask many, many questions. If you can’t get a clear understanding of the paper, talk with people in your circle. If you are still confused and it’s really important to understand the concepts, email the authors.
- Boehnke

Don’t hesitate to talk to more experienced scientists. You will be doing THEM a favor by having them explain to you in terms (术语,措辞) you understand what a complex paper means. All scientists need more experience translating complex concepts into common terms.
- McNutt

If at all possible, read often. Try to keep a bibliography (参考书目;文献目录) file with a summary of the article, any important points, even a figure or two, along with citation information. Pay attention to different ways of structuring an article, and pay attention to different styles of writing. This will help you develop a style that is effective and also unique.
- Shanahan

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