4 Ways to Balance Academics and Extracurricular Activities


To strike the right balance between academics and extracurricular activities, every student needs to be organized and should become an expert in time-management. By prioritizing time at this stage, you will develop a habit for lifetime, to be an efficient and productive person. The important factor that is worth considering here is that students should be taught to know how to manage their time so that they can have the best of both the worlds.

Here are four ways in which students can easily focus on academics while also making time to get involved in extracurricular activities:

Planning is important

Plan out your tasks in advance so that you have clarity on high-priority tasks. This will enable you to complete your tasks on time and have extra time to study and even participate in extracurricular activities. You can either install a planner app that allows you to sort out your timetable in advance or maintain a written planner which you can carry in your bag.

Be selective/picky about extracurricular activities

Every college campus will have numerous activity clubs, but this does not necessarily mean that you have to be involved in each one of them. Be wise while selecting the ones that you wholeheartedly want to join so that your time and energy doesn’t get drained (流干,耗尽). While you can indulge(沉浸于) in three to four clubs, make sure you remember that these extracurricular activities will help you in enhancing your leadership skills.

Seek your academic counselor’s advice

Your academic counselor is the right person who can help you in chalking out your daily timetable in a systematic manner. Your counselor who has expertise in this area will guide you on how you can spend time on the extracurricular activities without impacting your study time in any way. He or she will also enable you to plan in a way(在某种程度上) that you are prepared for any unexpected events and can easily accommodate them into your schedule.

Take breaks smartly

Effective time-management comes through an understanding of how to invest your time on the right things. This also means that you should take smart breaks. Social media has its own advantages and disadvantages. While(尽管,虽然) you cannot absolutely cut yourself from social media, you should also not let it hamper your progress in any way(虽然你不能完全脱离社交媒体,但也不要让它以任何方式阻碍你的进步). Therefore, take breaks that are well-planned so that you do not end up spending hours on social media, scrolling aimlessly. Instead, read a book, sip some hot cocoa, stretch (伸展) and grab a quick snack during your breaks.

Time-management is among the most important aspects of a student’s life that guarantees success in life. Certainly, academics are important but at the same time, participation in extra-curricular activities also speaks volumes (很有意义) about your personality. Following the above tips will certainly help you in planning your academics as well as co-curricular activities properly so that you do not feel stressed at any point. So, prioritize your activities to transform your present-day efforts into success in the future.

To strike the right balance between…and…:取得正确的平衡

making time to get involved in extracurricular activities:抽空参加课外活动

Plan out your tasks in advance:提前计划好你的任务

but at the same time:但与此同时

to transform your present-day efforts into success in the future:把你现在的努力转化为未来的成功

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