How to Balance Extracurricular Activities & Academics

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Colleges look at more than just your high school academic transcript when you are going through the admissions process.

While being involved in extracurricular activities is vital, make sure you are balancing them with your school work to have a successful and enjoyable high school career!

Here are a few tips on how to keep that balance:

1. Be choosy with your time.

Pick extracurricular activities that you are truly excited to join and will remain active in all year. Make sure these activities can fit into your schedule!

2. Pick activities that will develop your leadership skills.

Colleges want to know what you contributed to the clubs/teams you joined in high school. By choosing activities that will develop your leadership skills, you will learn skills that will ultimately benefit your academic and career paths.

3. Stay organized.

Whether you keep a written planner or set reminders for yourself on your Google/iCalendar, keep your schedule up to date and to-do list prioritized.

4. Take “smart” breaks.

In today’s world of constantly being connected through social media and feeling like you should always be working, it can feel impossible to take a break. But well-planned and well-deserved(理所应得的,当之无愧的) breaks are necessary to help you recharge your batteries and stay focused on your high school and college goals. Read a book, grab coffee with a friend or even go for a walk. Your body, mind, and overall health will greatly benefit. This will help you be the most successful student and individual you can be!

help you recharge your batteries:能帮助你回复能量

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