Public libraries in China

China pays increasing intension to public libraries and encourages people to make full use of them. The recently released statistics indicate that the number of public libraries in China increase year by year. Many libraries have created a quieter and more comfortable environment for readers through renovation and expansion. Not only large-scale libraries provide various of reference materials, but they also regularly hold lectures, exhibitions and other activities. In recent years, many digital libraries appeared, thus space needed to store books can be saved. In addition, some libraries have introduced self-service systems, which make it more convenient for reader to borrow and return books, and further meet the needs of readers.

  • 越来越重视:pay increasing attention to

  • 充分利用:make full use of

  • 最近发布的统计数据显示:the recently/newly released statistics indicate

  • 逐年增长:increase year by year

  • 翻新和扩张:renovation and expansion

  • 许多种类的参考资料:various of reference materials

  • 近年来:in recent years

  • 定期的:regularly

  • 自助服务系统:self-service

  • 借书和还书:borrow and return books

  • 满足某人的需求:meet/satisfy the needs of sb.

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