Working and having fun

Just as the old saying goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” This shows having fun is essential to life. Working and having fun, on the other hand stand opposite to each other, and on the other hand are closely linked. People should balance the relationship between them and shouldn’t live without either of them.

For one things, working is a means of making a living. working is the need to realize one’s personal value… Working plays an important role in living. However, people should work moderately and shouldn’t work without having fun, they will live under great pressure. They can’t relax their body and mind, which will affect their health. For another, appropriate entertainment is necessary, but all play and no work is also wrong. All play and no work makes people lazy, decadent, and lost, which in the long run will ruin them.

In conclusion, working and having fun are two indispensable parts in one’s life. Without either of them, people will live an incomplete life. So keeping balance between the two is very important. Only with the combination of the two can people live a happy and colorful life.

decadent: 颓废的

indispensable :不可缺少的

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