How to Balance Work and Leisure

Just as the old saying goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”, which illustrates the importance and necessity of keeping a balance between work and leisure. However, in today’s fast-paced work culture, a great number of people are often caught in a dilemma about how to maintain a good balance between the two.

As for me, some tips can contribute to achieving the balance. First of all, you should develop efficient working habits, because only in this way can you squeeze out some leisure time. it require you to devote your full attention to the work at hand and complete daily work efficiently. Besides, in order to relieve the fatigue and stress, it’s vital to schedule one thing that you are interested in each day and set aside some time for relaxation. What’s more, for those workaholics, please keep in mind that if you work hard, you shouldn’t feel guilty when you spend time on personal leisure, for entertainment is also a part of life.

In a nutshell, work and leisure complement each other, so when you get tired and bored with your daily grind, try to take a break to relax yourself.

Just as the old saying goes:正如老话(谚语)所说

fast-paced work culture:快节奏的工作文化

caught in a dilemma:左右为难,陷入矛盾之中

develop efficient working habits:养成高效的工作习惯

squeeze out:挤出

devote your full attention to the work:把你全部的注意力投入工作


relieve the fatigue and stress:缓解疲劳和压力

workaholics: 工作狂

daily grind: 日常工作

Balancing work and leisure activities that they truly enjoy

Balancing work and leisure activities that they truly enjoy

How many of you feel that you really should be working harder? At the same time, how many of you wish you had more time to have fun and enjoy yourself? How do you solve this paradox?

Solving this problem can be difficult. Sometimes really motivating goals and a tight schedule can leave us feeling burnt out and drained. On the other hand, spending most of your time on leisure and fun activities often means you don’t end up getting anything done. It would be nice to live in a world where we only need to do what we want to do, but that isn’t realistic.

So how can we achieve a balance between work and leisure that will allow you to get a maximum amount of work done without feeling burnt out or drained? At the same time, how can we really get the most out of our leisure time without being completely unproductive and lazy?

The first step to this is in improving the quality of the activities we currently spend on both work and leisure. By increasing the quality of these activities, we can get a lot more out of them using less time. I discussed the essence of this philosophy in this article about doing what is important.

Many of our activities are simply not important in terms of either being productive or allowing us to enjoy ourselves. Too many people watch television shows they have little interest in. Why? Because they don’t want to do work and they don’t have any better leisure activities that they truly enjoy. Spending some time to really connect with what is important in any situation will allow us to rid ourselves of these time wasters and put it back into things that are truly enjoyable or productive (or both!).

The second issue to solving this problem is energy. Having the time to do things simply isn’t enough. Certain tasks require a lot of our focus and energy, usually these tasks are also the same tasks we find most enjoyable or are the most productive. By taking steps to increase our energy levels, through proper diet and exercise, it is easier to focus on these tasks rather than waste time.

This issue of energy levels often extends to work. Whenever I am working hard on a programming problem, it can be easy to feel temporarily drained or low on mental energy. A lot of other programmers I know would take this as a sign that they need a break, so they decide to browse the web or check their e-mail inbox.

Don’t do this! When you are low on energy because you have spent too long focusing on a tough problem, take a break, but take a real break. Whenever I need to recharge, I take off five or ten minutes and grab a piece of fruit. I then eat the piece of fruit, sit back with my eyes closed and take some deep breaths. This type of break allows you to regain some energy and clear your mind so you can get back to work. Taking a break by browsing the web or checking your e-mail only wastes time and distracts you.

By working intelligently, taking actual breaks when you need them instead of just distractions, it will be easier to cut down on the amount of time you spend working. This is because you will be working when you need to work. By cutting down the amount you work, you can increase the amount of time you have to enjoy yourself.

The third issue to resolve is in separating your work and leisure time. When you have really motivating goals or a project that make constant demands of your time, it is easy to sacrifice leisure time to continue working. In these cases you feel burnt out and begin to resent the amount of work you have to do.

My solution to this is to guarantee yourself certain blocks of time to leisure. This way you can give yourself plenty of time to enjoy yourself. This allows you to work incredibly hard and really push yourself when you are working, because you know that, no matter what, your work won’t creep into your leisure time.