The Choice: Embrace the Possible 的作者是一个心理学家,本书一部分是回忆录,一部分是心理创伤指南。作者Edith一家是犹太人,当她的家人从匈牙利的家中被带到奥斯威辛的死亡集中营时,她还只是一个十几岁的小女孩,自集中营中分别后,她就再也没有见到过她的父母。


她的过去一直如影随行的影响着她,Everything changed when a fellow student gave her a copy of Viktor Frankl’s bookMan’s Search for Meaning 这本书的作者和她有着同样的集中营经历,这鼓舞了她成为一个心理治疗师。






The Choice: Embrace the Possible

Life is about choices, what this book has made me realize that often in my experience, this has been a punishing idea - There are choices, and there are consequences. But life is not that simple, there are choices and more choices. Often we choose to punish ourselves. In doing so, we are imprisoning ourselves with our own beliefs - of not feeling worthy, a fear of making a bad choice… The author is open about choices she made in her own life, and that they may not have been the best ones. Everyone suffers. Everyone has endured the consequences of their own poor choices. But to live our best life, we must continue to make choices, instead of allowing ourselves to be imprisoned by our past.


  1. An Auschwitz survivor’s guide to healing
  2. The Choice: Embrace the Possible