Meet the psychobiome




HOLOBIOME就没那么有耐心了。Strandwitz在2015年创立了这家公司,当时他还是东北大学Kim Lewis微生物实验室的研究生。“他非常有礼貌地告诉我,只有我在他毕业后帮他开公司,他才会加入实验室,”刘易斯回忆道。刘易斯因发现并致力于从土壤微生物中将新发现的抗生素商业化而闻名。Lewis同意了,但他认为Strandwitz要有自己的公司还需要10年甚至更长时间。刘易斯错了:他只用了4年时间。



Cryan’s group has amassed scores of papers and reviews that have helped solidify the case for microbial effects on several psychological and neurological disorders. But teasing effective fixes out of those links will be difficult, Clarke says: “It is one thing to know that a particular aspect of host physiology is influenced by our gut microbes and quite another to bend this influence to our will.”

Clarke’s group collaborates and consults with many companies and has tested some potential psychobiotics for stress management in healthy volunteers. But he sees a long road to treatments. “It will be important to understand better and more precisely the mechanisms at play.”

HOLOBIOME ISN’T AS PATIENT. Strandwitz founded the company in 2015 while still a graduate student in Kim Lewis’s microbiology lab at Northeastern University. “He very politely told me that he would join the lab only if I helped him start a company once he graduated,” recalls Lewis, who is famous for discovering and working to commercialize new antibiotics from soil microbes. Lewis agreed, but he figured it would be 10 years or more before Strandwitz would have his own company. Lewis was wrong: It only took 4 years.

At Northeastern, Strandwitz learned what he calls the “art of cultivation” from Gavrish, who was working with Lewis on isolating soil microbes. At the time, only about 25% of gut bacteria could be grown in the lab. Gavrish, who specializes in isolating and describing new microbial species, taught Strandwitz to manipulate nutrients and use antibiotics to give slow-growing, picky bacteria a chance to survive in culture instead of being outcompeted by more aggressive species. He began to track down growth factors to keep recalcitrant species going. Now, Strandwitz says, “We have in culture about 70%” of the known human gut microbes. If true, it’s a figure few other labs can match.

One growth factor Strandwitz identified turned out to be the key to launching his entrepreneurial dreams. He and colleagues isolated a bacterium that couldn’t survive on typical culture media and required an amino acid called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) to thrive. GABA is a neurotransmitter that inhibits neural activity in the brain, and its misregulation has been linked to depression and other mental health problems.

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