2020 KI Image Awards


麻省理工学院Koch Institute(KI)image wards 今年搞了一个“2020愿景”主题的图像奖,总共十张,我挑选几张我最喜欢的。


Brains and Brawn: Building a Neuronal Network


Ellen M. DeGennaro and Christopher A. Walsh
Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology and Boston Children’s Hospital

Like children in gym class, young brain cells pull themselves up a rope-like fiber to form a neuronal network. Near the hollow, fluid-filled ventricle (lower left), teardrop-shaped neurons are undifferentiated, having recently split off from their mother cells.

As they migrate outward toward the cortical plate, leapfrogging over one another, they mature and anchor near the pial surface (blue/green) to assume their final positions in the developing brain.

Walsh Lab researchers created this architectural map to better understand how a cell’s position and lineage influence its fate.


Calling the Shots: A Flexible Platform for All-in-One Delivery

发号施令: 灵活的多合一交付平台

Morteza Sarmadi, Christina Ta, Robert Langer, and Ana Jaklenec
Koch Institute at MIT

Offering local delivery once every three days for up to six months, these hollow microparticles could really pack a punch against cancer.

The Jaklenec group in the Langer Lab is modifying the microfabricated capsules—originally created as a single-shot vaccine delivery system—to accommodate the co-delivery of chemotherapy with other treatment approaches such as immunotherapy or gene therapy.

They took the image to understand the mechanism behind the cargo’s release. The pink color comes from the red dye being used as a proxy for the combination of interest.


Cloak and Swagger: Learning from the Enemy


Arnav Chhabra, David Mankus, Margaret Bisher, Abigail Lytton-Jean, and Sangeeta Bhatia
Koch Institute at MIT

When someone receives an organ transplant, their own immune cells may identify it as a foreign body and try to destroy it.

The Bhatia Lab is stealing one of cancer’s most subversive weapons—its ability to elude detection by the immune system—to cast an invisibility cloak over donated cells. By reprogramming them to express the same surface markers as cancer cells, researchers hide transplanted cells (purple) from would-be aggressors (green) in the body. Although superficial, these changes to the cells’ appearance could have deep therapeutic benefit.



Ocean Plankton: Generating the Oxygen We Breathe


Keith Ellenbogen and Tom Consi
MIT Sea Grant

Dinoflagellates are a large diverse group of single-celled algae that are of immense importance to marine ecosystems worldwide, forming the base of the food chain upon which all aquatic life depends. Photosynthetic dinoflagellates, like these three Ceratium, are major primary producers of oxygen. The process is driven by sunlight-absorbing chloroplasts that act as the engines of photosynthesis.


This image is part of Ellenbogen’s Space to Sea project, which combines photography and microscopy to make visible the full range of life in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, 25 nautical miles off the coast of Massachusetts.

View in the Koch Institute Public Galleries

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