Tracking inequalities in education around the globe





Tracking inequalities in education around the globe

Tools have been developed to project inequalities in education around the world to 2030. They reveal that overall inequality will decline, but that all world regions will fall short of achieving universal secondary education.

Increased years of schooling have been linked to better health and survival, slower population growth and greater economic growth. Because of its importance, access to “inclusive and equitable quality education” was included as one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ratified by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 (see The SDGs are an ambitious set of international development targets to be achieved by 2030. Writing in Nature, Friedman et al. provide evidence that, although most nations are projected to achieve near-universal primary education by 2030, large inter-regional disparities in the rates of secondary-school completion will persist.

The authors set out to assess whether countries are on track to achieve the SDGs for education by 2030. They assembled a database of 3,180 nationally representative censuses and surveys from 195 nations and territories. This database is an improvement on previous efforts to monitor education, which relied either on data back-projected from a single time point5 or on a database derived from one-fifth as many data sources6. Friedman et al. developed a model that combines all the data sources in their data set and extrapolates single-year estimates of educational attainment for all populations, separately by sex and country, from 1970 to 2018. The model then uses this information to project future trends in educational attainment for individual countries or territories, and for seven ‘major world regions’ chosen by the authors, which include high-income countries, sub-Saharan Africa and Eastern Europe and central Asia.

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