



  1. 你的“万花筒”是否完整?有没有还空着的领域,或者过于集中?在你所列的清单中,每个领域(自我、家庭、工作、社区)是否都有足够只在一个领域里取得了满足感,还是在这四个领域都有取得成功呢?
  2. 你所列的清单,也就是你的万花筒变化有多大?到目前为止,你最大的成功和满足是哪里?哪里还有空缺?是否有自己痴迷的领域?万花筒里的腔室和领域是处于不断发展的转态还是一直重复着过去的事情?
  3. 从你做过的事情中你学到了什么?你的时间花在了哪里,它是否和你想从成功中想得到的东西一致?失败的最大原因之一是过分依赖自己的最大优势。你是否只喜欢做那些你最擅长的,而忽视了你需要在这四个类别中完成的那些事情?




Success That Lasts 9

Building Your Own Kaleidoscope 2

Now, metaphorically speaking, you can hold your kaleidoscope up to the light. Look at it objectively, and ask yourself:

  1. How integrated is your profile? Are some of the domains empty? Are others too full? Is each realm of your identity—self, family, work, community—a depository of only one satisfaction, or is there a broader basis for success in each of these areas?

  2. How varied is your profile? Where are most of your greatest successes and satisfactions so far? Where are the holes? The obsessions? Are the chambers and realms evolving or repeating the same things over and over?

  3. What have you learned about what you actually do? Where is your time going? How does it speak to what you really want from success? Research into success has shown that one of the biggest causes of failure is an overreliance on one’s greatest strengths. Are you favoring what you do best and neglecting your need for fulfillment in all four categories?

Here’s how the kaleidoscope strategy helped John, the owner of a large real estate company, find enduring success. John was having trouble deciding what to do with his business. After a blowout with his teenage child and a series of relentless, debilitating headaches, he decided he had to cut back on his work. He had already bought a plane—against his family’s wishes—and he had increased his time for himself, but he was still suffering. “I know I should sell part of this business for the sake of my happiness,” he said, “but I just can’t do it.”

We suggested he try putting this sale in another category, one that seemed rather empty. Why not think about the sale as an active engagement in legacy rather than as a platform for happiness? The pieces fit. Legacy is about building on your achievements and values to help others succeed after you’re gone. John remembered a young manager who had left the firm, someone who knew John’s values and was quite accomplished in his own right. This person would probably welcome the chance to head the new spin-off, and he’d be likely to extend the kind of business John had spent his life building. The buyers would need such a person, and John would be comfortable doing business with them.

After seeing the situation from a different perspective, John was more decisive about the sale and had a richer platform of concrete goals around which to structure the transaction: the terms in which legacy would be fulfilled, the new time frame for his own enjoyment of life, a revitalizing and more realistic set of achievement goals, and a sense of providing the space to be there for his daughter and wife without giving up all the challenges of the real estate business.

See you tomorrow