





  1. 高成就
  2. 多个目标
  3. 体验愉悦的能力
  4. 建立积极的人际关系的能力
  5. 对获得持久成功的渴望

我们和60多位成功的专业人士进行了访谈,调查了90位参加哈佛商学院管理项目的高管,非正式的观察了我们生活和工作中的高成就人士。我们进行了十多个模型的测试,每个测试都会有50-110个高管参与。这些团体中的大多数来自哈佛商学院的毕业生或青年总裁组织的当前成员。我们还研究了普通大众所报道的关于成功的问题-有来自媒体报道的,还有与朋友、学生、同事的对话。我们还采访了处于经济的各个阶层,各行各业(all different walks of life)的人士。他们中有一些人是曾经全职工作,现在待在家里的父母;其他人则处于事业的顶峰。

Success That Lasts 2

What Is Enduring Success?

Our research took a fresh look at the assumptions behind success. We were interested in real, enduring success—where getting what you want has rewards that are sustainable for you and those you care about. This type of attainment delivers a sense of legitimacy and importance; its satisfactions endure far beyond the momentary rewards of a bonus or a new position. Lasting success is emotionally renewing, not anxiety provoking.

Unlike an equation for a successful market strategy, no one person or company can fully embody lasting success for others. Everyone (and every business) has a unique vision of real success, and that notion changes over time. A family-oriented person would hardly call the absentee life of a top executive a success but might find travel and adventure just the ticket after the kids grow up. A born investment banker would hardly regard mixing cement as a successful career, whereas a construction worker who just completed an extraordinary bridge might point to the structure with pride for the rest of his or her life. No one, however, has unreserved success, not even the most obvious winner. Recognizing how important it is for each person to understand and develop his or her unique definition of success over time, we chose not to report on one or two well-known examples of success as the perfect model to follow.

Nonetheless, for the purposes of research, we posited five common characteristics of individuals who by most standards had achieved enduring success: high achievement, multiple goals, the ability to experience pleasure, the ability to create positive relationships, and a value on accomplishments that endure.

We held more than 60 interviews with successful professionals, surveyed 90 top executives attending Harvard Business School management programs, and informally observed high achievers with whom we live and work. We conducted more than a dozen model-testing sessions with between 50 and 110 executives in each. Most of these groups were drawn from HBS graduates or current members of the Young Presidents’ Organization. We also reviewed the problems that the general population has reported about success, using sources that ranged from media reports to conversations with friends, students, and colleagues. We talked to people from all different walks of life, at every level of the economy, both in and out of business careers. Some of them were stay-at-home parents who had once worked full time; others were at the pinnacle of their careers.

See you tomorrow