My family loved reading this book together

Turtles All the Way Down by John Green


Turtles All the Way Down tells the story of Aza Holmes, a high school student from Indianapolis. When a local billionaire goes missing and a $100,000 reward is offered for information about his disappearance, she and her best friend decide to track him down (追踪他).

Aza’s quest is complicated by the fact that she has obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD,强迫症) and severe anxiety. Her struggles are a huge part of the book, as her compulsions (强迫) constantly get in the way of her social life. John’s writing feels almost claustrophobic (患幽闭恐怖症的) when describing Aza’s mental swirl (盘绕,旋涡). Some people might find those parts difficult to read, but he really gives you a sense of what it feels like to live with OCD.

Because this is a John Green novel, romance must factor into the equation. Aza begins to develop feelings for (开始对…产生感情)Davis, the son of missing billionaire Russell Pickett. He is initially skeptical about her intentions, because he’s used to people sucking up (拍马屁,恭维)to him to get close to his dad.

Here’s what Phoebe had to say:

“For years I have been a loyal John Green fan—devouring his novels in the back of coffee shops, while traveling, and curled up on my couch. Something about the imagery of his books makes me get caught up in the fantasy of his stories, but Turtles All the Way Down hit closer to home for me than the rest. As someone who has struggled with OCD for years, I saw some of myself in the main character. But more than anything, this book struck close to home due to the intriguing (有趣的,迷人的) character of Davis.

“Never has a book been able to capture so well what it is like to live in the shadow of someone else’s legacy. This story shows how Davis struggled to find his own identity outside of his father’s fame and wealth. Although we have very different relationships with our dads, I recognized his struggle, which also plays into my own life as I find my way in this world. This read was captivating like none other I have read before.”

Phoebe is much closer to John’s intended demographic than I am, but I think readers of all ages will enjoy Turtles All the Way Down. It’s a fun, moving story filled with quirky (古怪的) but related characters.

He made her promise not to share it with anyone, and she stayed true to her word:他让她承诺不告诉任何人,她恪守了诺言。

suck up to sb.: 拍某人马屁

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