Why You Should Have (at Least) Two Careers

Why You Should Have (at Least) Two Careers

It’s not uncommon to meet people who’d like to switch to a career that’s different from current job. But in my opinion, it’s rare for such people to actually make the leap. The costs of switching seem too high, and the possibility of success seems too remote.

I think two careers are better than one, and you will produce benefits for both careers.

I have four vocations, I make the time to do them well, and I still have plenty of time to sleep. Working many jobs makes me happier and leaves me more fulfilled (使我更加的充实). It also helps me perform better at each job.

Subsidize Your Skill Development

My corporate job paycheck subsidizes my record producing career. It was passion for music that motivated me to become a producer in the first place. A good producer should be someone who knows how to create a vision, recruit personnel, establish a timeline, raise money, and deliver products. After winning a few Grammys, musicians considered if they can hire me as a producer. I still refuse payment because making music, something that is everlasting, is reward enough for me.

At the same time, I typically invite my corporate clients to recording sessions. They usually have a phenomenal experience that only helps me drive revenue (增加收入) at work, so my corporate and recording careers are mutually beneficial.

Make Friends in Different Circles

Friends in another circles give me a different perspective, my client got a new idea which he want, I got a trade. By being in different circles, you can selectively introduce people who wound typically never meet and unlock value for everyone.

Discover Real Innovations

“It’s technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the result that make our heart sing,” said Steve Jobs, working different jobs, help you identify where ideas interact, and make more interdisciplinary thinking.

When you follow your curiosities, you will bring passion to your new careers, which will leave you more fulfilled. And by doing more than one job, you may end up doing all of them better.

Additional words:

People wanting to book a musician for a party in New York could find a band on my organization’s website, which would then ask the booker to add a “tip” which would be allocated to (分配) a New Orleans-based charity (慈善机构).

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